Hummingbirds are small birds that live exclusively in the Americas and are famous for their rapid motion and high-frequency wing beating. They have the highest metabolism of any animal that maintains a stable internal body temperature (homeothermic) with heart rates of well over 1,000 beats-per-minute. During flight, oxygen consumption per gram of muscle tissue in a hummingbird is about 10x higher than that measured in elite human athletes. In order to sustain such a high level of activity, hummingbirds must constantly consume sugar from flower nectar.
Hummingbirds drink with their tongues using a rapid lapping motion. Contrary to prior belief, capillary action plays no role in propelling nectar up the groves of the tongue. Scientists using high-speed cameras discovered that the tongue remains compressed until it reaches the nectar, at which point it springs open, forcing the liquid up the grooves of the tongue in a pump-like manner.
Source: (+National Geographic)
Learn More: (+The New York Times)
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