Science GIFs


'Science GIFs' was one of the largest and most active science-oriented collections on the Google+ social network with over 325,000 followers at the time of its shutting down. This website serves as a backup of the content from the collection.

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Slow Motion Tuning Fork

12 September 2015

A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator that vibrates at a specific pitch after being struck on a surface. Tuning forks emit a pure musical tone and were used to tune musical instruments (as its name suggests). As the vibrating tuning fork breaks the surface of the water, it sends droplets spraying everywhere.

Fun Fact: The quartz crystal that serves as the timekeeping element in many watches is actually a tiny tuning fork that vibrates at a frequency of 32,768Hz.

Source: (The Slow Mo Guys)

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Slow Motion Tuning Fork