Science GIFs


'Science GIFs' was one of the largest and most active science-oriented collections on the Google+ social network with over 325,000 followers at the time of its shutting down. This website serves as a backup of the content from the collection.

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New Horizons continues its approach to Pluto

2 July 2015

This timelapse of images was taken by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) camera aboard New Horizons between May 28 and June 25, 2015. During that time the distance between the spacecraft and Pluto decreased from 35 million miles to 14 million miles. Following its gravity assist maneuver around Jupiter, New Horizons is moving at 23km/s (51,000mph).

New Horizons is scheduled to make its flyby of the dwarf planet and Charon, its largest moon, on July 14, 2015. This latest imagery depicts a strongly contrasting surface dominated by a bright northern hemisphere, with a discontinuous band of darker material running along the equator. As the spacecraft hurtles towards its objective, each new picture represents the best image of Pluto captured by humanity.

Source: (NASA)

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New Horizons continues its approach to Pluto